
Becoming a VTuber?

Pop highlighted in blue can give us a first hand exclusive what it is like to portray a VTuber. Anyone can become VTubers, even if you are popular or unpopular. Nobody can really stop someone from becoming one. What exactly is a VTuber? It is a virtual YouTuber or influencer. So what was your experience like?

Well as you already know, I was a VTuber on social media for a short time and I recently quit. What do VTubers do? They play games and respond to people. But I was different, I would sing karaoke. And I think I made a few people laugh along the way.  

What would you say about VTubing?

It is very demanding because you have to entertain a audience by playing video games or reacting to something. It is not easy to run VTuber software at the same time as playing a game. 

What software can you use?

Luppet, 3tene, VRoid, Adobe Character Animator, FaceRig and Live2D, Live3D, VTuber Maker, several of which you have to pay for. It is really not cheap to be a VTuber. The only problem is that if you didn't make your own puppet or model people can falsely copyright claim you. You can be a 2D or 3D character. The more HD your character looks, the more likely you are to become popular. I don't really care how I look. I didn't really create my own, it was pre-prepared. But from time to time, Pippin has helped change my virtual persona a little. 

Why did you become a VTuber?

I became one because Pippin was working on a video game. And both his mascots Pip and Pop, which became our personas were going to be featured characters. But Pippin did not go through with the game. And like I think you posted, all the artwork for the video game went to waste. And so we ended up using that artwork for our VTube personalities. After all "Pip, Pop and Pep" are Pippin's creations. And he knew he couldn't take on three VTuber personalities. Specially Pep, he knew he couldn't play Pep, and he had his ideas but he needed help. So I took on the persona of Pop. I will not be really going into my real personal life. Because it is nobody's business. 

That is true. He was unable to. I was offered to play Pep and another girl had dibs but I refused, and she backed out. To be honest she didn't really play ball, and would have made a terrible team member with that kind of attitude. And he also needed a lot of help with the wording process too as did you. But you are following in my lead, and you and Pip are becoming very good at imitating at how I word things. So where on social media did you post or upload things to?

I guess my main account would be on TikTok. I stopped using it because for some reason shadow banning is at a all time high there. People were not really feeling that I leave the comment section off too on my social media pages, which you and my relatives always advised us to do. 

So you quit TikTok?

Not really. I am still there. I just am more of a sp...

Spectator? Which is someone who watches videos? 

Yes, that. Thanks to your advice, turning off comments stops trolls from trolling. But at the same time they cannot interact with you. Which for some unknown reason makes them loose interest in you platforms. Well from what I noticed...But I don't care. I will continue to follow rules. I don't want random people that I don't know messaging me unless I can approve it first.

So it also has a downside?

I don't really like people who troll. If someone does like your content, they will leave a like. And that to me is great respect. Because that means they like your content. Some of these people are so strong. I as a blogger felt that I could never state my opinion without being attacked.

As bloggers, we have to be brazen at times and not take what trolls say to heart. Most trolls are people who hurt on the inside. As soon as you quit VTubing on social media, you'll find that most of your following will vanish.

I don't really care. My following is not that big anyway. Even Pippin has more followers than I do. Speaking of shadow banning, Pip said that YT do the exact same thing. But if people do like your channel, they will sometimes find what you upload. YT apparently turn off notifications. So if someone is a public speaker, which Pip is not. They will often find that YT is censoring them

Well most recently as of 2020 when the pandemic hit. It would seem that most search engines are censoring people. Sadly Google is one of the latter. It seems that public speaking and personal opinions on Google are no longer welcome.

I don't care what Google does. I just don't care. If they want to censor people that is them. But in the long run too much censoring will only make people jump ship to another platform. 

Do you remember the blogs I helped you with on Tumblr? Why did you delete all the posts on Tumblr on your phone?

I deleted everything on Tumblr because people are being perverted there. They were trying to do sexual things to me for months, so I had to lock all of my messages. Not just one person, this was multiple people. Someone who followed me got angry and unfollowed me because I called out a pervert on Tumblr. This person kept trying to flirt with me. I said this is sexual harassment and I ranted. And she got in her feelings and unfollowed me as if I did something to her. Indicating that these people are lurking after people for sexual pleasure from what I noticed. Specially when you don't want it. I was happy for her to unfollow me. Good riddance! And don't come back!

So what you are saying is Tumblr is like Sodom and Gomorrah, and people on that website are running amuck?

Well if they think you are underage. People will follow you, and try to show you their 18+ profiles which is full of nudity and sexual content. Several people have been doing this to me on Tumblr since I joined in 2019. 

I never understood Tumblr. I'm more of a WordPress girl. You can blog in peace there.

This one man asked me to be his "sugar baby" just because I was singing a parody of "The Real Sugar Baby" by Stephanie Beard. So I blocked him, and he kept making account after account to pursue me. 

So the man didn't care about the context, he thought you really were looking for sexual relations?

Yes, he did. Also bullying. People tried to bully me when we posted there. Because they didn't like personal opinions, and couldn't help but jump into someone else's blog to attack. Just because they didn't like what was said. That was just harassment. 

I remember helping you respond to someone who was hassling you there. But not what happened in context, because I don't really take social media seriously. But I do remember that the person thought they could take advantage of you.

Yeah. The woman made 10 accounts to harass me on Tumblr. Just because I said something about a video game company scamming people out of money, and not reducing the prices. Which was the truth. But she took it upon herself to attack like a wild animal. I let her know that I knew it was her and that she was lame.  

Well Tumblr was exposed a few years ago. So they nuked a lot of accounts. But it seems those accounts
are actually still there. But people like that are on Twitter too. So?

Check out my Tumblr block list. It is full to the top. A majority of these users are sick in the head, and there is more. The list is very long.

Blocking often works wonders. 

Also on social media, a lot of people tried to get me to join the LGBTZ+ community. I never once said I was in there. I said I have nothing against them, but I am not in any community. Someone even hit me up and asked me if I wanted to be gay ambassador. I never once said I was LGBTZ. There are people that are trying to randomly choose for me, and make my VTuber persona LGBTZ. No means no!!!

So there is no sexual preference? Yes I don't understand why they are trying to choose for you. I did hear Pippin say that he experiences a very similar thing. But he doesn't really care. He did say that people who don't discriminate, accept people for who they are.

There is none for my VTuber persona. I'm just Pop. Because we had so much time on our hands, and we did at one point. Me and Pip decided to try and get out messages out there. Our message is basically just to have fun. That is about it.

Does anything bad happen to VTubers that you can tell us about?

Not much. Just the same as being a commenter, which is that you have to deal with people who are rude. 

What about VTubers? Ever seen any rude VTubers? 

Yeah I saw several nasty VTubers. One VTuber was cussing a woman out on her live. Just because the woman was moody. And the VTuber was being applauded for bad behavior. Another VTuber I saw is a Weeaboo by the name of TENTEN ShibaeinuuVT who claims she is Welsh and is from Wales on TikTok who said she wanted to help people become VTubers. So her videos were being like used as reference for many people. But it turned out that she never wanted to really help anyone and was really out for herself. All she wanted was self promotion. She never wanted to help anyone. The only reason I am bringing this up is because we were looking for help as you know. And thought that being as she was creating tutorials that she would lend an ear. Turns out she was not very helpful as she made herself out to be. 

What is a Weeaboo?

Well it is someone who pretends to be Asian while channeling an Asian persona. She is clearly Caucasian. Her voice is fake, because Welsh people do not sound like that. That is a fake Loli-voice that she is using. Not that I care. I am just trying to make a point that she is playing a character. 

So what about this person offended you?

She basically laughs and gloats that she is better than everyone else. Steals "Black" lingo
and appropriates Black culture. I saw her post a racist meme of a Black man eating a watermelon and chicken. And I was sickened. This was ShibaeinuuVT, she did that. 

So this "Weeaboo VTuber" in question is indirectly racist too? And that is what upset you most?

Probably. I don't know. I just felt some sort of way when she wouldn't help anyone who was asking her for help. But when TikTok promoted her videos, they were not really tutorials because she herself was too overwhelmed with "clicks, views and likes" rather than helping people. So in the end, you have to feel sorry for the people who really thought she was helping them.

So she's kind of like a fraud? Who just wants attention? I would say that she is an attention seeker.

It would seem that way. I don't really know her or care. But I want people to know that she is not there to help anyone. I was told that she is a troll... Someone who knows her reached out after reading a post about her on Tumblr, and said she just likes trolling people on social media. I think trolling and bullying? I am not sure though. The person seemed to be more upset with me calling her out, rather than her being a troll. But at the same time acknowledged that she is a troll.

Are you sure she's not the only troll?

Okay I will admit that I did prank call someone recently. But I was bored. I was thinking how I could
entertain people for my next video. And Pippin suggested that I prank call someone. That is the problem. With TikTok and being a VTuber, you have to think of ideas to stay relevant. And I couldn't really grasp an audience... One said I was a baby.... or something along that line.

So what happened?

I called a phone number to a live-streaming video after someone got owned on their platform. And I told her that she got owned. And she was really upset and weeped. She made a weep sound. The person
that I called is a known online bully who for some reason YouTube will not remove. 

Would you not class that as bullying?

No I wouldn't. 

So what happened after the Weeaboo shunned everyone?

Well... Without her help most of us got there in the end. Several people in that comment section
are now VTubers. They eventually got their Live2D Cubism to work without her help. So we didn't need her after all. 

So you, and all the others all got to your goal in the end?

Rule one is to never depend on others, and do things for yourself. Pippin was going to be a Vtuber using VRoid Studio but it turns out people actually suffer from discrimination. So if someone doesn't like your personality or the way you speak, or your voice they will judge you before getting to know you. And that is what I think Pippin experienced and gave up. Some guys in a VTube community mocked his voice, so he quit. Also he didn't like it to begin with. Pippin has a really deep voice, whereas mine is more nasally. I think I too, also don't have what it takes.

So you think some people don't give people chances?

I can't pronounce specific words, so I guess people make fun of me for that. 

Now that I think about it are you sure ShibaeinuuVT isn't Autistic? And that she maybe had trouble communicating with people? 

No. I just think she is big headed and is out for herself. Looking at her now and a majority of VTubers, they are quite rude. And they abuse their personas while hiding and masking themselves behind avatars. Some of them are really gross. But people apparently find it funny. Not funny as in like they are pranking, funny as in some of them are just crazy. 

It doesn't matter where you go online. No VTubers are the same. You have realize that people don't have to cater to you. Just as you don't have to cater to them. If people are out there rallying them on, they are going to act high and mighty. But you have to ask yourself, just who is masked behind those avatars? It could be anyone.

Have you ever heard of Lizz Robinett?

Nope never.

She's the one who recorded Renai Circulation.

I have no idea who that is.

You know the "La De Da De Da, La De Da De De" suddenly you call my name and I lose my brain song that went viral on TikTok? 

Oh that song. Yes, I've heard of it.

Well someone I know asked Lizz Robinett a genuine question. And she literally answered. He
was so shocked. I mean a genuine question answered by someone trending, who actually took the time
in her day to answer a question unlike ShibaeinuuVT. 

So ShibaeinuuVT claims to be a creeper?

That is what I mean, she's crazy. I don't understand how someone so wacky as if she's high on some kind of pills can appeal to people. She's off her head...

I think people like crazy people. So are you still triggered by this user?

No. I have nothing against her. There is no hate. I just want people to know that she is not helpful and her tutorial videos suck butt. 

Well from what I read while researching this person she is 18. So that is legally an adult. So to me I think she is very childish. 

You can easily be tricked by people into thinking they are funny or interesting but in reality, that is not the real them, it is just a character they play. Pippin was helping me so much with this VTuber thing, that he never had time to make videos for his own channel. Now that this is over and done with, he will have more time for his own channel. I am Pop. I think I play Pop well. 

Do you have any jealousy towards any other VTubers?

Not really. I did experience jealousy from a user on Tumblr who hated my blog. This is another person. And she kept following me, liking my posts and then blocked me. I laughed because I eventually got several hit posts before deleting all my posts, and she came back. But before she could interact I blocked her back. 

Anything else you would like to add?

There are some nice people on social media who really support other people. I have several people who
are not perverted, follow me on social media and rally for me but because I am no longer going to be
doing VTube stuff, I guess I am going to have to redirect them here. If they really are followers, they would be mighty upset not to hear from me I guess. That is what is going to happen. I am going to
vanish into thin air I guess? 

Not to worry. Your opinions here will be featured here among everyone else who contributes. That also includes the general public. So Pop what are you going to do next?

Well Cherie, I am going to delete all of my remaining posts on Tumblr and start by removing videos from my TikTok and some other social media posts. Pip pushed me too much that I ended up being a VTubing all over social media.

I will be sure to keep this here blog up to date, and you can help anytime. If anyone in the group needs something said, I will be here to post it. As you know the other team members are currently busy people, and may not always be able to contribute here. I want to thank you for giving me and the public a insight on what it is like to be a VTuber. It looks very hard, expensive and time consuming and that is how I am going to sum up becoming a VTuber. On this blog we will be posting about notable VTubers and VTube drama, so stay tuned.